Friday, April 1, 2016

insult poem

Table Corners
By Kelley Vernon

You are always right there,
When I take a sharp turn, 
You give me the pain I can't bare,
The pain is so bad it makes my stomach churn. 

You are sharp and painful, 
You are like a loose cable, 
You make me feel shameful,
You sharp corner of a table. 


  1. Dear Kelly

    Your poem was true
    Way to go I am no fool
    rhyming is the key

  2. Kelley (Cheaples)
    Your poem is bad
    The sad thing is you are right
    It makes me so sad

    Just kidding it’s great!
    I love how perfect you rhymed
    We can all relate

    It was truly grand
    To make it rhyme easier
    Change the syllables
